Deathwish Skateboards
Deathwish offers a wide selection of skateboards and parts at reasonable prices, with Deathwish decks being most popular. They also offer a Deathwish clothing line including snapbacks, beanies, T-shirts and more.
The idea behind Deathwish skateboards began back in 2007 and got realized in 2008 under Baker Boys Distribution. Co founders Erik Ellington, Jim Greco and Andrew Reynolds were by then already well known in the skate scene. Together with their crew they established a popular brand, with its warehouse based in the barrios of North Hollywood.
Deathwish gained popularity very fast through its logo and name, known from the Charles Bronson movies. Today, Deathwish has a very large fan base and the brand is very visible in the skateboarding scene. All employees in Deathwish are skaters themselves and their combined knowledge resulted in some good quality skateboards, parts and clothes.